YOHOO readers 们!! Apology for not updating for long time, bet some of you shed tears regarding this issue.. Because seriously, it's just a blog only, what's there to make a big fuss over.HUH ? HUH ? OKAY?!? next time, dun ever even shed a tear over this me/blog.. okayy?? *BLINK BLINK (abit an shuang) Alright, reason for not updating the blog was due to my hectic schedule during the whole whole period of time.
Right after delivering papers to the Pw comp lab room if not CCA, i've to always take a bus to interchange the another bus to another spot for another bus to head to.. err.. well.. Angsana home.
Well, i'm sure you guys are not convinced that i am a Good samaritan after a paper scandal defamed by a fat.. Oh well forget it ba. Back to the main point, this folk is Peter who treats me as his bff.. sharing his secrets to me on every monday and wednesday noon. Some of his stories are very sad can... is like. when i listen le, tears just streamed down my rosy cheek. Ahh, well, can't be helped since i'm an emotional and sentimental dude.. I heard the nurses there always said he would be frowning, but that's very weird because whenever i turn up after pw in school, he's awlays illuminated with smiles... er.. can someone tell me why??? O_O *puzzled. Well, there's many more people to help that's why i have no time to blog. HAHA i realised i've been doing good deeds discreetly and not sharing to everyone, nvm la. i know i'm good can le, i wont go around bragging to people what i've done de
I went to overseas, hence, there wasnt time in my hand to update the blog. I went to a country which i've learnt many things from there. i've learnt that i've always been fortunate and others, except me, have been taking for granted in Sg. But i do not want to mention names like karyl etc etc.. I went to Africa to provide food, water and some clothing for them. The volunteer organisatin actually wanted to vote me as the leader.. OMG can you believe that.. cannot be one la siao sia... anyhow lor. is like so random can?! of course i rejected it (polishing a gold prestige
We took turn to take care of him and i've learnt many things during this trip. I've learnt that there are development aids and other form of aids to the country from other nations. Also, I went into to one of the school and saw students. I was appalled.. appalled.. steady seriously shocked.. Each child has a laptop!!! a green colour de!! Oh ya, suddenly some of the laptops seem to fail and it took me a toil to fix them. hahaah but i didnt complain or boast much about because there's seriously nth to be prooud of de.

er.. this picture has nth got to do with the post, just find the clouds very awesome-looking. However, if readers are trying to relate it to someone... well i've no opinion regarding that de..;D
~ A SAD DAY~~ to be continued